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CFS products are intended for inside installations on dry, properly prepared floors. The product is not intended for installation on walls, ramps, outside or on wet surfaces.

CFS are not responsible for any product failure if floor preparation and installation procedures are not followed. Use only CFS approved installation materials.

The instructions in this document do not cover all floor conditions. If you have any questions concerning these instructions or

about the stability of CFS products over surfaces or conditions not covered in these instructions, please contact your local Carpet & Flooring branch.

It is the responsibility of the installation contractor to test the floor to make certain it is properly prepared and ready for installation of CFS products.

All CFS products should be inspected for dye lot, style, colour, size, quality and shipping damage prior to installation. Do not install CFS products if any problems are noted.




Batch Number - Before commencing to install our products please check that tiles or sheet are from the same production lot or batch number. This number is stamped on the back of each tile and on the carton labels. In view of slight colour variations

occurring in production, it is important that batches are not mixed.

The room temperature (minimum 18°c) and humidity should be constant at least 24 hours before and after the floor is laid. Tiles should be removed from their outer boxes and laid out loosely on the floor. Tile should then be left for 24 hours to acclimatise

before laying.




If tiles are to be installed on an underfloor heating system, then the maximum surface temperature of the heating system must not exceed 27°c. The underfloor heading should be switched off for 48 hours before and after installation.


Sub Floors/Floor Preparation

The floor must be structurally sound, and dry prior to installation of CFS products.

Any curing chemicals, sealers, finishes or other chemical treatments used on floors must be compatible with the CFS backing and the CFS approved adhesive systems.

Clean the floor of all excess concrete spots, solid debris or paint spots using suitable scraping methods. Completely remove all wax, dirt, grease, paints or old adhesives. DO NOT use solvents to clean the floors. Sweep and vacuum the whole area. Make

sure all perimeter areas are clean. Smooth nonporous floors should be damp mopped prior to product installation. All dust must be removed to ensure proper adhesion on CFS products.

All porous, gritty, chalky and dusty surfaces must be affectively primed. All patched areas must be fully primed. Surfaces that are nonporous do not require primer. The surfaces that must be cleaned as noted above.

Primer can be applied using a paint roller. Allow the primer to dry completely or follow manufacturer’s instructions prior to continuing with the installation.

If the subfloor is concrete and is uneven or has broken plastic or vinyl tiles, which cannot easily be removed, it should be made level with a latex screeding compound. Carpet may be laid on wood parquet or quarry tile floors providing the subfloor is

prepared adequately and has a functional damp-proof membrane.



CFS recommended adhesives are displayed on the reverse of each sample folder.

The application of adhesive must be across the whole sub floor, not sectional to ensure that good adhesion is made between the tile and the sub floor at all times.

In extra heavy wear areas, including areas where there will be wheeled traffic, or where intense stiletto heel traffic is anticipated, we recommend the use of a permanent adhesive.

Please note that manufacturers guidelines on adhesive application must be followed at all times, to ensure that you are obtaining the maximum adhesion expected when in-stalling CFS products.





Directional arrows are printed on the back of all tiles.

Determine the ‘arrow direction’ for the installation and make sure all tiles are installed in the same direction, unless chequerboard, ashlar or brick pattern is required. (see diagrams below).

Start from the intersection point in the centre of the floor and install the first line of tiles along the centre line. Install the

second line of tiles along the perpendicular centre line. Keep all tiles exactly on the chalk lines. Fit the tiles snugly next to each other. Do not force the tiles. Press the tiles firmly onto the floor when properly positioned. Tiles can be removed from the floor at any time for realignment, extra care should be taken when installing into permanent adhesive.

Joints between tiles are accentuated if the surface pile is trapped between adjacent tiles. This can be avoided by carefully

pushing back the surface pile and tightly butting the tiles to one another, but avoid undue pressure, which might cause tiles to buckle or tent.

Take care making sure the edge of the tiles are unable to slide under the skirting boards or other perimeter detail, if this can occur, then they should be fixed to the subfloor using adhesive. This is important, as any movement at the edge will tend to loosen the while installation.

Where tiles are used in conjunction with chair castors some flattening of the pile will occur and it is therefore essential to use keyhole mats to protect the surface pile of the carpet.

Castor cups should be used under heavy point loads.

It is essential to have a good barrier zone to help protect your tiles. Including entrance areas, barrier zones should be greater than 3 linear meters.

Continue to install the tiles in a stair step or pyramid pattern starting from the intersection point. Check to make sure the tiles are properly aligned at the edges during installation.

Install border tiles by placing a tile face down exactly on top of the last full line of field tile, keep the arrows pointed in the

same direction. This is the cut tile. Take another full tile and butt it against the wall allowing it to fall on top of the cut tile. This is the reference tile. Score a line on the back of the cut tile using the edge of the reference tile as a guide. Cut the cut tile along the reference line. Do not cut through the field tile. Install the cut tile with the cut edge along the wall. Doorways and other

permanent objects can be fitted using this method, by making a pattern or by measuring techniques.

During manufacture and transportation, carpet tiles have been subject to a certain amount of crushing. If after laying the surface appears to be flattened, a thorough vacuuming and normal wear will eliminate this after a few days.


diagram 1


diagram 2





For Ashlar the same planning and installation practices apply as for standard sized carpet tiles. Ashlar is created by offsetting the front and back tile joints by half a tile.





For Herringbone it is possible to position the planks in one or two ways which require a different level of planning. Herringbone is created by laying the planks in an L pattern but the starting point could be at a 90° angle (Diagram A) or a 45° angle (Diagram B).

For diagram A, the planks can be laid in to the right angle created by the chalk lines. When building out from these anchor planks in an L pattern frequently use the set square to ensure precise alignment and squareness. See diagram A.




Diagram B is more complex and requires additional working, diagonal lines. Establish the centre focal point for the desired pattern and snap the centre and base chalk lines. Use the set square to check the chalk like s are perpendicular.

The centre line follows the direction of the pattern and to ensure the pattern remains central it may be necessary to measure and draw a working line parallel to the centre line.

Dissect the right angles where the working line and baseline meets and chalk diagonal, 45° lines. Use the set square to ensure

these lines are square and then lay the first plank along the diagonal line starting at the intersection of the working line and base- line.

Please the next plank to create the L shaped pattern and using the set square ensure precise alignment.

These two anchor planks determine the squareness of the entire installation. Continue with this pattern frequently using the set square to ensure precise alignment.